Some poetry for Shib’s birthday

Well, better late than never ๐Ÿ˜€

Shib and I have bonded in the strangest ways for him to become my brother from another mother. With the ups and downs we went through, together and separate, it feels like our foundation is becoming stronger by the day. We were super goofy in college, always upto no good. We loved singing together, eating at the canteen with borrowed money(loooong story!), hitting each other just for fun, trash talking and such fun stuff. I cannot even say anything anymore about our relationship because words will not do justice. It was his birthday on 21st June and his fiance decided to surprise him with a handmade scrapbook with things written down for him by his people. This was my entry for the competition scrapbook entry.

There are so many reasons,
Why I should hate you,
But every one is the same,
For why I should love you.

You asked me to hit you,
I always hit you extra tight,
You pinched me back,
Put up a ridiculous fight.

Our kajrare is legendary,
We at the singing auditions,
That’s why they don’t choose us,
We will slay the competition.

Ani, me and you as a team
Two sisters and a brother,
Rakhis and lazy lamhe,
Got us well covered.

Our endless photo sessions
With your tongue poking out,
We practically invented,
‘Em selfies and the pouts.

Words always fall short,
Of how to describe us Bhai,
Our memories will never fade,
Moments won’t fall shy.

15 thoughts on “Some poetry for Shib’s birthday

I love to get notes. So, go ahead...