Bye 2014, hello 2015

I think this is going to be my last post for 2014.
I am done packing, I think. I just can’t wait for Wednesday to come! I have such a high adrenaline rush going on that I feel like I have had 20 shots of Espresso. I shall see all of you guys in 2015 now after my trip. 🙂

I faced a lot of ups and downs through the year in many ways. But I want to list down all the months and the most memorable thing that happened to me then.

January– Spending time in Atlanta with Moo and ringing in the new year, really hoping for a better 2014, saying bye to Moo and another loved one leaving.

February– Stupid V-day, my blog’s birthday and it’s surprisingly good growth.

March– My first 5k ever! It’s successful completion and the 7 hour alcoholic blackout after. How can I forget the rattling earthquake!

April– The company golf tournament and the riding in golf-carts all day.

May– Charlie(my ex-roomie’s doggie) went to the rainbow bridge. My first blog award and a very depressing and dark long weekend. I survived 3 very, very bad days. Modi’s election!

June– June was meh.

July– Moony’s happy budday! FIFA!

August– My papa’s surgery. It was a huge emotional roller coaster ride. I had just gone out of visa, so there was nothing I could do. 😦

September– Portland travels. Birthday time. I couldn’t spare a care about my birthday :(. But office friends, Abhi-Nish rose to the occasion and pulled me out and made it very fun.

October– Scube. Scube. Scube. His birthday, his leaving. New tattoo ❤

November– Saturday drinking begin again. Not that I have particularly used the license :). Parents move into the new home!

December– Homebound! Abhi-Nish get hitched!

I hope to have a much better 2015 and accomplish so much more. I am ever grateful to God, family and friends who have been there for me. I will strive my best to match up to your wonderfulness. Special mention to the blog world for being my huge support system.

Wish you all a fabulous new year 2015 and hope this is the beginning of the most wonderful time of your life! May all your wishes and dreams come true. Be it a hottie, some cash or a la-di-dah job. Make it happen!

17 thoughts on “Bye 2014, hello 2015

  1. I visited all the bloggers above. All you seem like a perfect illustration of the google doodle yesterday that had people happily waving out of Santa’s sleigh as he sped away 🙂 Happy hols and Merry X’mas.


  2. Whenever we proceed from the known into the unknown we may hope to understand, but we may have to learn at the same time a new meaning of the word “understanding.”


  3. Wow! I just realized that both our blogs have the same birthday – Feb 14th 2014! 😀
    But your blog has grown so much probably due to your interesting posts! Whereas, mine is probably meh to regular people 😛


    • I think i may have made you misunderstand. 😀 my bad!
      My first post was on 25th feb 2012. Oh plz, my blog is so random that maybe it is relatable. Yours is very personal. There is a reason why you have followers!


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