Instagram nightmares

There are three horrors that a lady can face on social media.

1. Being stalked by an ex.

2. Getting hacked.

3. ‘Liking’ someone’s picture while on a stalking mode.

The third and possibly the worst horror is what I underwent last night and I am still recovering from it.

I had spoken to a guy for around a week in June-July before meeting him over the 4th of July long weekend. He was very cute and kind of fun, outdoorsy and smart and those were the reasons where we had sustained our daily chats and had decided to meet while he was enroute San Diego for his vacation. But the meeting hadn’t turned out to be too great, courtesy his weird hypothetical questions, for instance if Job > life partner and such other fun stuff. We never really spoke afterwards besides him thanking me for a restaurant suggestion in San Diego. But the meeting was alright and the location was pretty and I got a drink out of it. Meh.

Now, did I mention that the guy was kinda cute? So what does PB do? Look him up on social media. I had seen his Instagram account just before meeting up, and it was a public profile. I had sort of gotten an idea about his general personality from it and how many common friends we have(fair few) and if he is out of my league or not. In hindsight, he looked like he was!

I don’t know what got into me last night, but I decided to check his Insta account again yesterday. As I was sifting through his pictures, I came across a funny selfie video of him. It was one of his latest posts but was posted sometime back. I was trying to be very careful and tip-toed around his profile as to not leave any mark. I went to the video again and as I was watching it, I decided that I wanted the sound to come on too. Why? I don’t know. So I tapped on it. The music turned on. But, horror of horrors, there flashed a little red heart right in the middle of the video! While tip-toeing around, I had dropped 3 sets of pots and pans and 6 china plates! The room was hotter than 100 degrees and I started sweating furiously.

I instantly went into damage control, blocking him, hoping that he wont know. But for good measure, I repeated the same with my blog Insta account and I realized that my ‘like’ is permanently embedded there and I cant undo it. Ugggghhhhh. And I also couldn’t find the unblock list to go back and attempt to undo it further. I was stuck so bad. Even if I would have done all that and ‘unlike’ed it, he could have maybe seen the notification. Who knows? So I gulped the last bit of my pride down and ‘followed’ him. If he ever asks, I can say that we have few common friends and that the video showed up in my ‘videos you may like’ and it was funny. Very lame, I know.

Being that loser is better than being a stalker loser.

A pro tip: If you are stalking someone on Instagram and you accidentally double-tap, then smash your phone, set it on fire, and move to Malta.

PS : Sign of Best Friendship is when you drop the ball, and your BFF picks it up only to drop it promptly right after! We will sink together. 😀

23 thoughts on “Instagram nightmares

  1. Haha..happened to me recently too ..but was stalking an old classmate(girl) and chanced upon her secret anon blog of that I had clearly only reached through stalking. And galti se liked a post with my personal email. Which has my first name..ughhh


  2. Hahaha…..I can imagine the shock… This makes me ask a a question. I don’t have an instagram account but I stalk some instagram public profiles through Google. Is there any way somebody can track me?


  3. But just thinking out loud so how does it matter if you liked it.. I don’t understand that. . Maybe a blonde moment for me..

    Good job I am not any of these silly profiles..

    And I learnt a new thing if I go via Google then I will be safe if I need to stalk someone. .



  4. hahaha, this has happened to me too! 😛 but i immediately unlike, unheart, unfollow… and i think it works (or so i believe, i have actually checked it with friends also, like i would heart and unheart a post quickly and then ask them to check if they got a notification)… you know something like 3 second rule of picking up and eating what you have dropped on the floor haha


  5. hahahahahhaha! Malta seems to be a nice place though, from pictures 😛 something similar happened to me, and the worst (or in hindsight, the best part) I was only stalking someone I was never friends with, as in only acquintance 😛


  6. here’s the solution… Like someone –> dislike them–> stay interested –> feel like you want to stalk –> stalk –> BLOCK THEM ON INSTA –> then scroll –> zoop zoop zoop–> once you are done, unblock or keep them blocked.
    You can still see their profile if it is public! 😀 😀

    Gaah… Galtiyo se seekha hai! 😀 😛
    ok now byak to reading!


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